m o v i n g 2 0 2 3

m o v i n g 2 0 2 3

Well friends! It’s the beginning of a wild journey.
My husbands job is taking us to South Florida for a few months then to settle in NORTH CAROLINA!

What in this wild world.

The kids and I could not be more thrilled and proud to follow this man of ours.
Bret, I’m proud of you and the leaps you are striving towards in your career!

It’s a gift to go where you love.
So much to come.

With excitement for adventure and gearing up for some large strides in our ceramics business… it’s not easy at all to say goodbye to sweet Waco.

We. Love. This. Town.

We love our people.

And yes, we had a lot of plans moving forward here in Waco+Texas with no intention of leaving anytime soon…

Waco, I have so many more words to share about how you’ve changed us for the better and truly made us the entrepreneurs we are today.
Our friends.
We are just so thankful for all of you and it’s really hard to leave.
And if I type too long, I might cry… so I’m going to keep this short and save that for closer to two weeks when we drive off into Florida.

We are aware this
is    a n o t h e r    move,
and there are a lot of questions… what I’ll share for now is when Bret and I hear the call- we leap and have faith.

So much beautiful things to share guys. But for today, we share we will be headed to Florida in two weeks until end of April. Then off to the Carolinas!


 The show room goes where we go. Even if it’s been a long journey to opening her… we are dedicated to walking this out for the long haul:) 

Let’s see where this journey takes us! 
more soon friends! 

thank you for being here,

love Reese


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